AggFlow (and its single site application; AggFlowSITE) is the leading software program for calculating and analyzing aggregate plant data. Aggregate engineers use the program to calculate both mass aggregate and mass water balances in an aggregate plant. The program is used to optimize and maximize production of desired products while helping to identify and eliminate operating inefficiencies and bottlenecks.
AggFlow (and its single site application; AggFlowSITE) is the leading software program for calculating and analyzing aggregate plant data. Aggregate engineers use the program to calculate both mass aggregate and mass water balances in an aggregate plant. The program is used to optimize and maximize production of desired products while helping to identify and eliminate operating inefficiencies and bottlenecks.
AggOPTI is a separate application to the AggFlow/AggFlowSITE program that takes into account cost estimates and revenue forecasts to calculate the optimal (most profitable) production schedule. Conversely, using the same elements AggOpti can be used to determine projected profitability (or loss) for a given production schedule.
A Standard, or a set of standards, used as a point of reference for evaluating performance or level of quality. A standard by which something can be measured or judged. To measure a product according to specified standards in order to compare it with and improve one's own product.
A method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark. A method which conventional wisdom regards as more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other technique, method or process.
Represents the density of the rock, including air voids. Compare to Specific Density, which is the true density of solid rock.
Determines the amount of screen carry-over in your operation by selecting the calculation to be used.
Uses the screen area calculation developed by screen manufacturer Cedarapids. Also see VSMA Approved Method.
Displays the Closed Side Setting (CSS) for the selected crusher. This setting will determine the resulting gradation that is used in down-stream calculations.
The outlay or expenditure made to operate the machinery. The amount of money that must be spent regularly to pay for the machinery.
Uses the screen area calculation developed by screen manufacturer Deister. Also see VSMA Approved Method.
General Rule of thumb: The DBD ratio at the discharge of the screen should not exceed 4x the size of the surface opening for material weighing 100lbs per cubic foot or 3x for material weighing 50lbs per cubic foot. Before establishing the size of screen from the screen area calculations only, check that the theoretical bed depth is in accordance with good operating practice.
The feed to a vibrating screen consists of a mass of material in different sizes. The oversize will retard passage of the undersize; and this temporary restriction results in a build-up of material on the screen surface. The bed diminishes as the undersize passes the opening. However, the bed of material should never reach a depth where the undersize does not stratify before it discharges off the end of the screen. A rule of thumb is that the bed depth at the discharge end of the screen should not exceed four times the size of the surface opening when separating material weighing 100 lbs. per cu. ft. or three times for material weighing 50 lbs. per cu. ft. This rule should be followed and is practical in most applications. However, it is based on volume only and many times the dimensions of the topsize pieces in the feed to the deck will exceed the calculated bed depth. This is not cause for alarm but it deserves consideration before selecting the screen size.
To select the size of screen, first determine, from the bed depth calculations, the width that will maintain the proper bed depth for efficient screening and then choose the length that, together with the width, provides a minimum total screening area equivalent to that arrived at in the screen area calculations.
A report that summarizes emission calculations for the plant.
Enter the emissions factors for specific equipment in the AggFlow simulation.
View and edit the emissions factors for equipment in the AggFlow simulation.
The current Fineness Modulus (FM), a factor that is required in some US specifications. Pertains to Classifying Tank operations.
Shows the range of acceptable values in the Fineness Modulus (FM) specification. You can edit these values and rerun the calculations using the Recalculate button. Pertains to Classifying Tank operations.
Uses the screen calculations provided by the specific manufacturer as indicated.
Represents the amount of power (using Horsepower or Kilowatts depending on your User Preferences) installed to run the screen. Note: Installed power must be equal to or larger than the required power.
Enables you to enter crusher settings and calculate the new, interpolated gradation.
Used for specifications that require a maximum percentage retained in any one size range. You can edit this value and rerun the calculations using the Recalculate button. Pertains to classifying tank.
Enables you to enter the maximum water rate for the pump. Once the limit is exceeded, the pump will provide red flag warnings, although the rate will not be lowered.
Metric’s comprise a wide variety of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing data to help enterprise users make better business decisions. Metrics are a self defined set of measurements that quantify results and are used for measurement, comparison or to track performance or production.
Displays the Closed Side Setting (CSS) for the selected crusher. This setting will determine the resulting gradation that is used in down-stream calculations.
A group of equipment settings used to create a desired product mix. Most aggregate plants have between 4 – 15 favorite “Operating Modes” used to create specific product mixes. AggFlow provides the ability to save establish equipment settings as an “Operating Mode” and switch instantly between those settings as needed.
Used to automatically straighten AggFlow flow streams.
Provides complete slurry data of the material in the overflow stream. The A% shows the percentage of material going into the equipment that is flowing into the overflow. Pertains to classifying tank.
Provides complete slurry data of the material in the overflow. Note: Coarse screws and log washers are not intended to separate fine aggregate material from coarse aggregate material. Therefore, AggFlow simply transfers the excess water out of the overflow without attempting to calculate aggregate material in the overflow.
The Plant Availability Factor (AF) is a measure of the operating availability of the plant. AF is defined as the actual operating hours divided by the scheduled hours for the plant. The default AF value is 100%. AF is always expressed as a percentage (%) and is calculated as: Actual Operating Hours / Scheduled Hours.
Provides a summary of alarms, warnings, and missing limits after each plant run. The number shown in each tab title indicates the number of items on the corresponding page.
The Plant Efficiency Factor is a measure of the plant’s overall efficiency. EF is defined as the Plant Availability Factor (PA) multiplied by the Plant Utilization Factor (UF). EF is always expressed as a percentage (%) and is calculated as: AF x UF. For example, if the plant operates at 80% availability with 80% utilization the Plant Efficiency Factor is 64% (0.80 AF x 0.80 UF = 0.64 EF).
The Plant Utilization Factor (UF) is a measure of the plant’s actual production. UF is defined as the measured tons per hour (TPH) produced divided by the AggFlow calculated TPH for each stage of the plant in each operating mode. The default UF value is 100%. UF is always expressed as a percentage (%) and is calculated as: Total Measured TPH / Total AggFlow Calculated TPH.
To ensure the most accurate calculations enter the measured TPH for each stock pile. If measured TPH is not available AggFlow can perform calculations using an estimated UF. For example, if you do not have any measured data, but estimate the plant will average only 80% of the AggFlow calculated TPH during a given period, enter 80% UF to improve the AggFlow calculations and take into account the most realistic operating results (most plants do not operate at maximum TPH 100% of the time).
AggFlow will track the power sources and uses for each piece of equipment in the plant. Power sources and uses are defined by the user. This is useful for everyday operating information and a complete understanding of what the plant is actually doing and for reporting purposes. Power information is used in AggOPTI profitability analysis and calculations.
The surplus remaining after total costs are deducted from total revenue, and the basis on which tax is computed and dividend is paid. It is the best known measure of success in an enterprise.
Ratio of feed size to product size for a mill (crushing or grinding) operation; measured by lump and sieve sizes.
In stone crushing, the ratio of the maximum dimension of stone before crushing to the maximum dimension after crushing.
Revenue is the total money received from the sale of any given quantity of output. Known as turnover in the UK. The expected total income as projected by the sales forecast for the product or business.
Powerful feature that significantly improves your AggFlow calculations. Sample buckets enable you to input actual field data samples into AggFlow.
User preference that defines your preferred screen area variables and default setting for screen displays. Also see VSMA Approved Method.
Screening efficiency is defined as the percentage of the undersize material in the feed that actually passes the screen surface opening. In AggFlow User’s can adjust a correction factor that sets the efficiency factor of the screen (98-70 range).
Required Screen Area as calculated using method formulas. Also see VSMA Approved Method.
User adjusted correction factor that enables you to select between a square, short, or long slot.
Volume % of solids in the material (slurry).
Weight % of solids in the material (slurry)
Represents the true density of the solid rock. It is defined as the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a given reference material. If the relative density of a substance is less than one, then it is less dense than the reference. If it is greater than one, then it is more dense than the reference. If the relative density is exactly one, then the densities are equal; that is, equal volumes of the two substances have the same mass.
A function of Specific Density. Specific Gravity is a dimensionless unit defined as the ratio of density of the material to the density of water at a specified temperature. Substances with a specific gravity greater than one are denser than water, and so (ignoring surface tension effects) they will sink in water. Those with a specific gravity of less than one are less dense than water, and so will float in water.
A defined material specification for a particular product often by determined by governmental or regulatory authorities. AggFlow User’s can use the AggFlow Specification database or create their own specification for an end product, then determine the optimal operational settings in the simulation to meet that product specification.
Displays the Total Power Requirement (summary of all power requirements) times the factor 1.15.
Turns off all red flags (red equipment alerts) in the worksheet for printing purposes.
Represents the Volume % of solids in the material (slurry).
The Vibrating Screen Manufacturers Association (VSMA) is the industry standard screen area calculation method. First developed in the 1960’s and adopted by VSMA in 1967 it is the recommended calculation methodology. However, any manufacturer may develop calculation modifiers to the VSMA calculation that are most appropriate for its own screens.
Provides complete slurry data of the material in the waste output stream. The Z% represents the percentage of material going into the equipment that is flowing into the waste output. Pertains to classifying tank.
Defines how "wet" the material is (that is, how much water is included) as it is carried off each screen deck. All water not accounted for in the Water In Product calculations is assumed to fall through the screen and is therefore included in the screen product that remains. All of these values are different representations of the same calculation. Therefore, changing any one of the three updates the other two.
Enable you to calculate both the mass aggregate balance of aggregate materials moving throughout a plant and the water mass balance flowing through the plant.
User adjusted correction factor that changes the weight correction factor for the material.
In Water in Product calculations, represents the Weight % of solids in the material (slurry).
Allows for the additional input of water to the material before it enters the screen. Any water added at the Wetbox will be included in the mass water balance of the plant.
When the AggFlow worksheet "red flags" equipment, click What's Wrong? to display the reasons. This is the same information provided in the Plant Configuration Advisor.