It should be possible to locate the same plant species or cultivar, but the once uniform and mature screen becomes dotted with smaller plants. Diagram 2. For more information on planting trees and shrubs, refer to HGIC 1001, Planting Trees Correctly and HGIC 1052, Planting Shrubs Correctly. In essence, the once uniform screen is not so uniform anymore. When choosing deciduous trees and shrubs, pay attention to the branch form and structure. You need to know the shrub's mature height and width to know how far apart to space the plants. Prague Viburnum can be less dense in leaf than other evergreen Viburnums, namely Leatherleaf (one of the parents of this hybrid), simply because their leaves are smaller but the spacing between them is similar. Prague viburnum grows quite quickly, adding 24 inches or more to its height in a single growing season. Sku #7575. Fast-growing, rounded plant to 10 feet tall and broad. The Leyland Cypress planting model generally consists of using a single type of plant (termed monoculture) where plantings are oriented in one row with close and even spacing. LayLa Burgess, HGIC Horticulture Extension Agent, Clemson University. Follow all directions, precautions and restrictions that are listed. A mixed screen moves away from the straight lined, monoculture design and instead uses groupings and layering of different types of plants. The grouping maybe situated to block a view, create a noise barrier, or redirect prevailing winds in a particular location as in Diagram 3. Attractive fruit turns red to black and lasts into winter. Avoid the temptation to install plants too close together to quickly achieve the desired effect. For example, if row 1 has a stake at 0 feet, 9 feet and 18 feet; the stakes in row 2 will be placed at 4.5 feet, 13.5 feet and 22.5 feet. Its cut branches make excellent foliage for bouquets year-round. Other common names arrowwood 'Pragense' . To plant, dig a hole two to three times the width of the root ball. Prague viburnum is a large shrub that will eventually grow 8 feet tall. Viburnum x rhytidophylloides is a hybrid viburnum (a cross between V. rhytidophyllum and V. lantana). For a looser, more informal hedge, increase the number by 50 percent. Grouping or clustered planting technique used to create a mixed screen.

Evergreen Viburnums are tough, hardy, low maintenance landscape plants ideal for almost any garden. New plantings require adequate water during the establishment phase. COVID-19 Extension Updates and Resources ... More Information », Factsheet | HGIC 1731 | Published: Aug 13, 2017 | Print. Measure another row 2 to 4 feet in front of and parallel to the first row. Pruning is recommended for shaping in spring and summer to limit fast-growing shoots. For example, if your variety gets 8 feet (2+ m.) wide, half of that is 4 feet (1 m.). Most grow as shrubs and have a full-spreading habit; others can be pruned to medium-sized trees or standards. A hybrid cross between V. rhytidophyllum and V. utile made at the Prague Municipal Gardens, Czech Republic in 1955. An easy to grow, adaptable shrub for use as a screen, hedge or large accent shrub. Leyland cypress trees are experiencing severe decline in many landscapes. Half that would be 5 feet. Diagram 3. Viburnum plicatum--Doublefile viburnum; Deutzia spp--Deutzia: Viburnum x pragense--Prague viburnum; Forsythia spp--Forsythia: Viburnum rytidophyllum--Leatherleaf viburnum; Hypericum spp--St Johns Wort: Viburnum sieboldi--Siebold viburnum; Itea virginica--Virginia sweetspire: Vitex negundo--Chaste tree; Weigela florida--Weigela It is a multi-stemmed, upright-arching shrub that typically matures to 8-10’ tall (sometimes more) and as wide. A series of layered plantings generally has the tallest plants located towards the back of the site with progressively smaller layers of plantings in the foreground, though there is some room for variation as in Diagram 1. Genus Viburnum can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs with opposite, simple or palmately lobed leaves and clusters of small, often fragrant white or pink flowers, followed by red, blue or black berries Faintly fragrant white flowers in 3- to 6 inches clusters open from pink buds in early spring. It is somewhat commonly sold from conventional nurseries and planted in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, region in recent years. wide (6 cm). Additional Features: Single specimen plants can be strategically placed to provide focal points throughout the mixed screen. Use the 2-foot measurement for shrubs with average mature widths that are less than 6 feet, the 3-foot measurement for those 6 to 10 feet wide, and the 4-foot measurement for plants 10 feet and wider. This number is the minimum distance you want to space your viburnum shrubs; this will result in a tight, dense hedge. Painter earned her Bachelor of Science in biology from Portland State University. The demand for the supply of new plantings perpetuates a constant ebb and flow in the horticultural market. When individual plants in a screen die, it can be difficult to match the lost plant to the existing plantings. This evergreen viburnum is native to Okinawa and other Japanese islands. You can grow it in full shade and the leaves will be gorgeous, but it won’t flower very well. Bloom times span early spring through June and are followed by attractive fruit and outstanding fall foliage. Constantly soggy soil can and often will cause root rot or other harmful or deadly plant diseases. Leyland Cypress planted as a monoculture screen along a roadway.LayLa Burgess, © 2017 HGIC, Clemson Extension. If you want to make an informal hedge with viburnum shrubs, choose tall, evergreen species such as V. japonicum or Viburnum x pragnese. Viburnum pragense is an evergreen viburnum that occasionally drops its leaves during a cold winter. Spacing: Regardless of the arrangement of plants in the mixed screen, plant spacing should adhere to individual plant size (i.e. Height/Spread: There is a wide range of sizes, from a few dwarf varieties like Viburnum opulus ‘Nanum’ at just under 3 feet, to large species like V. seiboldii that may reach 20 feet tall. Viburnum is a diverse genus that includes many shrubs suitable for temperate gardens. With varieties suitable for USDA hardiness zones 2 to 9, you can find a variety to suit any garden need: wet or dry, sun or shade, natural or formal, shrub or tree, native or exotic. Measure the length of one row along the area where you want your hedge. Denote proximity to roads, sidewalks, driveways, utility lines, or drainage areas in order to avert potential future problems. If this document didn’t answer your questions, please contact HGIC at or 1-888-656-9988. On occasion, both may be used to frame a desirable view as well. Leaves simple, opposite, narrow elliptic, 5-10 cm long, margin sparsely serranted, upper side glossy dark green, "corrugated", white felt (pubescence) below. If the number does not divide evenly, it is better to allow more space between plants than less. In order for the shrubs to fill in with foliage and the roots to have room to spread, you'll need to space your viburnum according to the size of the mature plant. Native to the Mediterranean region. Large clusters of fragrant white flowers followed by showy red fruit that matures to black. Prague Viburnum Viburnum x pragense: 10′ 10′ S: 5-9: Fast: Spacing: Regardless of the arrangement of plants in the mixed screen, plant spacing should adhere to individual plant size (i.e. About Prague Viburnum. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Viburnum rhytidophylloides 'Allegheny' Sku #7530. This will provide winter interest during periods of limited to no foliage. College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, Centipedegrass Yearly Maintenance Program. Place a stake to indicate where each shrub will be planted so the stake is in line with the second row, but spaced midway between the stakes of the first row. Blooms: White flowers mid-spring Wonderfully fragrant, Viburnum × burkwoodii (Burkwood Viburnum) is an upright, multi-stemmed, semi-evergreen shrub with ovate, glossy, dark green leaves that turn maroon in fall, except where evergreen (USDA Zones 7 and 8). Copyright © 2020 Clemson UniversityClemson Cooperative Extension | 103 Barre Hall Clemson, SC 29634864-986-4310 | Contact While several species are common, the most prevalent are the leather leaved Viburnum davidii and the fragrantly flowered Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet'.

Evergreen Viburnum do best in full to part sun in moist, but well drained soils.

A light layer of mulch will help the plants retain moisture and suppress weeds that often become competitors for nutrients. Soil test results provide information on soil pH adjustment, soil amendment recommendations, and fertilization needs. It is fast growing and deer resistant. Viburnum x pragense Prague Viburnum. Remains evergreen in temperatures above 0° Fahrenheit; deciduous elsewhere. When trying to achieve a cohesive screen planting, most often the goal is to block an undesirable element in the landscape. For example, if the area measures 28 feet and your spacing calculation is 5 feet, plan to plant five shrubs spaced 5 feet 7 inches apart rather than six shrubs spaced only 4.5 feet apart. Depending on the offending element to be screened, evergreen plants may be needed to provide year-round coverage. When planting a Viburnum in a pot or other container, I suggest using a quality potting soil or potting mix, or a 50/50 combination thereof, in a container with a drainage hole(s). In the example, this would be 7.5 feet (5 + 2.5 = 7.5). If installed properly, a drip irrigation system provides consistent irrigation. In mid spring, red to dark pink flower buds open to very fragrant white flowers tinged with pink, arranged in snowball clusters, 2.5 in. Pink buds develop in early spring and open to lightly fragrant, creamy white flowers. Divide the mature width by two and plant your viburnum shrubs that distance apart. Make sure the emitters are not clogged and are working properly by checking the irrigation system periodically. Semi-evergreen to evergreen shrub with creamy white spring blooms backed by glossy, dark green foliage. Place a stake at each point where a viburnum will be planted using the average mature width of the plant. Measure the length area where you want to plant your viburnum hedge. However, keep in mind, less is often more. In a double-row hedge, the plants will be spaced using this number. In this case, the majority of the screen composition can be evergreen, but deciduous trees and shrubs can be intermingled to provide interest as well as biodiversity. All recommendations are for South Carolina conditions and may not apply to other areas. Divide the average width of the viburnum in half. Read your viburnum's plant tag. Evergreen vs. Deciduous: Evergreen plants keep their foliage throughout the year, while deciduous plants lose their leaves in the fall and flush out new growth in the spring. An attractive, fast growing shrub, growing to 10' tall and 8-10' wide giving it upright oval to oval-rounded. Viburnum growing in pots appreciate a moist but well-drained soil. In the case of a double-row hedge, if your area doesn't divide evenly into the spacing measurement, the plants can be placed closer together. The placement of sculptures, birdbaths, birdfeeders, or benches can create an inviting feel to the space. This attractive, dense, upright shrub with textured, leathery, dark green foliage makes a great hedge, screen, or windbreak. Take the average of the maturity width. Diagram 1. Shiny, dark green, 2- to 4 inches-long leaves. Multiple plant species in a mixed screen provide diversity and safeguard against potential insect and disease problems.LayLa Burgess, © 2017 HGIC, Clemson Extension. It is a popular landscaping shrub in Florida and other mild winter climates where it can grow up to 12 feet if left untrimmed. Viburnum is a genus of about 150 species of deciduous, evergreen and semi-evergreen shrubs and a few trees from chiefly North Temperate regions extending into Southeast Asia and South America. Zones US, MS, LS; USDA 6-8. Viburnums have long been one of our most popular flowering landscape shrubs, with more than 150 species available. If you don't have a plant tag that tells you the mature size of your shrub, you can find the information from garden books, your local nursery or from your region's Master Gardener program. Choose plants that clearly look different in plant form, foliar texture, flowering, or foliage color to enhance the interest of the screen at a distance. Choose a minimum of 2 types of evergreen conifers, 2 types of broadleaf evergreens, or 2 types of evergreen shrubs for diversity in the landscape. One way to avoid this situation is to plant a mixed screen. Plant Selection: Tables 1, 2, and 3 provide a selection of evergreen plants commonly used in mixed screen designs for South Carolina. Divide this measurement by the spacing distance you calculated. Fences made of block, stone, brick, or wood intermingled within or adjacent to the screen can add interest or fill in space while plant materials mature. When the choice of plantings are all the same, disease or insects that cause damage can be easily transferred laterally from plant to plant. If you use this figure for viburnum hedge spacing, you will end up with a thick, dense hedge. Half that would be 5 feet. Leaves are opposite, simple, ovate to oblong, dark green above, light green beneath, 1 1/2" to 4" long, 3/4" to 1 1/2" wide. Offsetting the rows from each other fills in the gaps between the plants as in Diagram 2. How to Hang Plants on a Wrap-Around Porch, How to Figure Cubic Feet for a Raised Garden Bed, Ohio State University Extension: Viburnums in the Landscape. Before you do any digging, contact your utility companies to have them check for underground wires or pipes. Prague viburnum reaches 8′ tall and 6′ wide in full sun to part shade and is hardy in zones 5 to 8. Ground level irrigation encourages good water penetration into the soil at the root zone promoting proper plant health and successful mixed screens. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer. For example, if the area is 50 feet long, it won't harm the plants to place six of them 8 feet 3 inches apart rather than five of them 9 feet 5 inches apart. Evergreen. Her articles have appeared in magazines such as "Herb Companion" and "Northwest Travel" and she is the author of six books. These plants need room to spread, as crowded viburnums tend to not grow well, unlike other hedge plants such as privet. Divide the average width of the viburnum in half. The staggered effect is achieved by placing trees and shrubs in 2-3 successive rows that are offset from one another. Prague Viburnum Viburnum x pragense. Viburnums are well-behaved me… Family Adoxaceae . Viburnum should be planted a minimum of 4 feet apart. They are grown for their attractive flowers, colorful fruit and attractive foliage. Be sure not to plant the viburnum any closer than 4 feet (1 m.) apart. Mixed screens still provide all the functional aspects of privacy, noise control, and protection from prevailing winds, but in addition provide biodiversity to the landscape resulting in a number of benefits to plant health and longevity. Prague Viburnum (V. rhytidophyllum x V. Utile) Plants not given adequate space, will eventually outgrow an area leading to crowding or excessive shading. Provide adequate spacing for your plants. Prague Viburnum is a multi-stemmed evergreen shrub with a shapely oval form. prague viburnum viburnum x pragense. When to prune Viburnum pragense after a hard winter is after new growth starts appearing. Its relatively coarse texture can be used to stand it apart from other landscape plants with finer foliage. Many plant species used are reliable performers, while others tend to lose popularity as they become unreliable in the landscape due to insect, disease, or cultural problems. This viburnum hybrid was made between the Leatherleaf x the Service Viburnums of East Asia in the Prague Municipal Gardens of the Czech Republic in 1955. Layered planting technique used to create a mixed screen. Once established it is quite drought tolerant. All recommendations for pesticide use are for South Carolina only and were legal at the time of publication, but the status of registration and use patterns are subject to change by action of state and federal regulatory agencies. Another important factor to consider is the availability of a consistent source of irrigation. Followed by metallic blue fruit which turns black. Ideal for use as a quick growing hedge, screen or windbreak. Prague Viburnum may die back to the ground in cooler areas such as lower zone 5 and should be planted in planted in protected areas to limit winter wind damage. This is a relatively low maintenance shrub, and should only be pruned after flowering to avoid removing any of the current season's flowers. Beautiful evergreen shrub with lustrous, dark green, puckered leaves. Proper plant spacing provides good air circulation among plantings and lowers the chances of creating an environment that encourages plant disease or other complications such as, root competition for water and nutrients. Irrigation systems may need to be adjusted as the plants grow larger or in times of higher water demand when temperatures increase. Avoid the temptation to install plants too close together to quickly achieve the desired effect. For example, if the tag on your V. japonicum gives a range of 8 to 12 feet wide, the average is 10 feet wide. For example, if the tag on your V. japonicum gives a range of 8 to 12 feet wide, the average is 10 feet wide. Effect: There are different ways to achieve a mixed screen. Rating Content; Neutral: On Jul 30, 2019, Rickwebb from Downingtown, PA wrote: This hybrid between the Leatherleaf Viburnum x the Service Viburnum, both from East Asia, is occasionally planted in southeast Pennsylvania in well-to-do neighbourhoods and professional landscapes, sold by a good number of conventional nurseries. Clusters of plantings generally consist of installations planted in odd numbered groups of 3, 5, 7 or higher. Plants can be layered, staggered, placed in groupings (sometimes referred to as clusters), or combinations of these methods to achieve the desired effect. By investing time in proper planting and plant care, you will be on track to enjoy a beautiful and sustainable natural privacy screen for years to come. Precautions: Once the mixed screen layout is determined and plant selections are considered, it is always a good rule of thumb to get a soil test prior to plant purchase. Leyland Cypress is an example of a plant commonly used as an evergreen screen planting for its uniformity and ability to provide a buffer for privacy, noise control, and as a windbreak. height and width) at maturity. height and width) at maturity. For more information, see HGIC 1652, Soil Testing. Plant sweet viburnum shrubs 5 feet from each other, as measured from center to center, to form a thick hedge. However, many other potential factors contribute to plant health and decline such as drought and proper planting technique. Read the plant tag of the viburnum species you want to make into a hedge to determine the plant's width at maturity. This staggering will create a dense hedge without crowding the plants. For example, if the tag states 8 to 10 feet wide at maturity, the average width is 9 feet. Broadleaf evergreen shrub, upright oval habit, fast growing, to 10 ft (3 m) tall, similar width. If you are going to let the shrubs grow to their maximum size, space them 6 or 7 feet apart. The plants have a wide range of features such as V. lantana's showy blooms, V. davidii's display of bright blue fruit or V. plicatum's fiery red leaves in the fall. Use pesticides only according to the directions on the label. For more information on irrigation, refer to HGIC 1056, Watering Shrubs & Trees. Prague viburnum is a very durable shrub that does best in fertile, moist, well drained soil with a slightly acid pH and full sun to moderate shade. When this happens, pruning is your tool of choice to rejuvenate the plant. Trees are being lost one by one, or several at a time in more severe cases because of disease or damaging pests in the monoculture planting system. The attractive foliage holds up to typical Midwestern winters with no discoloration. Zones: Zones 2-11, depending on variety. Blooms are tight clusters of pink buds that open to lightly fragrant white flowers. Plants that are crowded will compete for water, nutrients, and light, resulting in decline over time. Grow up to 12 feet if left untrimmed Forestry and Life Sciences, Centipedegrass Yearly maintenance Program your hedge long! It won ’ t flower very well left untrimmed is not so uniform.! Watering shrubs & trees ; this will provide winter interest during periods of limited to no foliage latest from! In the example, this would be 7.5 feet ( 5 + 2.5 = 7.5.... Efficient screen ’ tall ( sometimes more ) and as wide 10 ' tall and wide., resulting in decline over time make sure the emitters are not clogged and are working properly checking. 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