Among the demands voiced was the resignation of Ponta, tied within the protesters' ranks to corruption and official indifference. Ci... ne poate sa faca vaccin nu doreste - cine doreste nu are cum ! In March 2004, he became Minister-Delegate for Control of International Grant Programmes Implementation and for Monitoring the Application of the Acquis Communautaire. "), "Victor Ponta, acuzat de plagiat. Stirile zilei din Politică-Administrație : Președintele suspendat Traian Băsescu a declarat, astăzi, în cadrul unei întâlniri cu jurnaliștii din Republica Moldova, că Victor Ponta și-a plagiat chiar și biografia. Victor Ponta este un politician din Romania, membru al Partidului Social Democrat, abslovent al Facultatii de Drept din Universitatea Bucuresti, doctor in Drept Penal International. We Will Not Forgo Public-Sector Pay Raises"), "Victor Ponta: USL a scos PDL din București" ("Victor Ponta: USL Removed PDL from Bucharest"), "Ponta: Băsescu mi-a reproşat că nu l-am informat că voi lua ICR" ("Ponta: Băsescu Chided Me for Not Informing Him I Would Take over the ICR"), "Trei lovituri într-o singură zi pentru Victor Ponta" ("Three Hits in a Single Day for Victor Ponta"), "Victor Ponta s-a sucit: 'Voi respecta deciziile Curții Constituționale'" ("Victor Ponta Reverses Himself: 'I Will Respect the Decisions of the Constitutional Court'"), "Dottore Ponta, acuzat de plagiat" ("Dottore Ponta, Accused of Plagiarism"), "Victor Ponta nu demisionează: Băsescu se află în spatele acuzaţiilor de plagiat. [12], Upon winning confirmation, Ponta pledged to reduce the number of emergency ordinances issued by the government and to assist Parliament in exercising control over the cabinet. The minister had already signed an order reorganizing the committee the previous day, but, due to technical reasons, the order came into effect during the very session analyzing the thesis. In 2005, he became a vice president of Ecosy, while he has been a vice president of the PSD since December 2006. Victor Ponta este un politician roman, membru al Partidului Social Democrat, deputat de Gorj, a absolvit in 1995 facultatea de Drept de la Universitatea din Bucuresti ROM USA In the Emil Boc cabinet, he was Minister-Delegate for Relations with Parliament from 2008 to 2009. These grew especially apparent in April 2013, when Ponta, as interim Justice Minister, named Laura Codruța Kövesi to head the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) in spite of objections from the PNL, who viewed her as a Băsescu ally. Ludovic Orban (Aussprache: [ˈludovik ˈorban]; * 25. Victor Ponta a fost ales deputat în Parlamentul României, fiind unul dintre cei mai tineri membri ai Parlamentului. [5] In 2006, a civil servant at the Ministry of Education (who was in an ongoing feud with Ponta) charged that Ponta, while holding this office, covered up corrupt activities undertaken by former minister Hildegard Puwak, who was cleared of wrongdoing in a report issued by Ponta. That institution's rector replied to an enquiry by stating an internal verification had revealed Ponta was never at the University of Catania. Află ce vârstă și înălțime are din biografia sa. Alexandru Bucur (bunicul lui Victor Ponta) s-a casatorit in 1941 cu Victoria Ponta (fiica lui Gheorghe si Josefina Ponta), sustine „faceroll” . [30] His cabinet, including ministers from the PSD, the PNL, independents and one from the Conservative Party (PC), received parliamentary approval the following month, and Ponta thus became prime minister. [33] In June, the USL came in first overall at the local election; Ponta singled out the alliance's victory in Bucharest as a "historic moment". Und Wie viel Geld verdient Victor Ponta? Politician progresist, atașat de valorile Comunității Europene, Victor Ponta a susținut întotdeauna necesitatea unei relații deschise cu vecinii teritoriali, asociați într-o uniune zonală relevantă în plan internațional. Pagina oficială - Victor Ponta. 20:16 - 03-11-2019 . [61] In February 2014, the PNL left the government, marking the end of the USL, the precipitating motive being Ponta's refusal to name Klaus Iohannis as deputy prime minister. [31][32] Upon taking office in the midst of a continent-wide recession, he vowed to promote economic growth and job creation solely from within the private sector, but also to increase public-sector salaries. Viziteaza si Te ținem la curent cu tot ce postează Victor Ponta pe blog sau pe Facebook. Conform actelor de la Judecatoria Buftea, divortul s-a pronuntat insa din vina ambilor soti, iar baietelul a fost incredintat mamei, Victor urmand sa achite o pensie alimentara de 2.500 de lei pe luna (stabilita de instanta la acea vreme). [60] Subsequently, the two signed a cooperation accord, while tensions with the PNL deepened. How Sociologists Explain Massive Vote for Klaus Iohannis"), "Cabinetul Ponta 4, un Guvern de politruci" ("Ponta 4 Cabinet, a Government of Apparatchiks"), "Victor Ponta, urmărit penal pentru spălare de bani şi complicitate la evaziune fiscală" ("Victor Ponta, Charged with Money Laundering and Complicity in Tax Evasion"), "Deputaţii au votat împotriva începerii urmăririi penale faţă de premier" ("Deputies Vote against Beginning Criminal Proceedings for the Premier"), "Premierul Victor Ponta a plecat în Turcia să se opereze la genunchi" ("Premier Victor Ponta Leaves for Knee Surgery in Turkey"), "Klaus Iohannis l-a numit pe Gabriel Oprea premier interimar" ("Klaus Iohannis Names Gabriel Oprea Interim Premier"), "Ponta a ajuns la Guvern, urmând să îşi preia atribuţiile de premier după o absenţă de aproape o lună" ("Ponta Arrives at Government Palace, Will Resume Premier's Duties after Absence of Nearly a Month"), "Victor Ponta este inculpat" ("Victor Ponta Indicted"), "Gabriel Oprea, din nou premier interimar, în locul lui Victor Ponta" ("Gabriel Oprea, Again Interim Premier, in Victor Ponta's Place"), "Premierul Victor Ponta s-a întors la serviciu, după 12 zile de concediu" ("Premier Victor Ponta Back at Work, after 12 Days' Vacation"), "Victor Ponta, trimis în judecată în dosarul 'Turceni-Rovinari'" ("Victor Ponta, Sent to Trial in 'Turceni-Rovinari' Case"), "Ponta şi Piedone au demisionat" ("Ponta and Piedone Resign"), "Zeci de mii de români le-au cerut demisia lui Ponta, Oprea şi Piedone" ("Tens of Thousands of Romanians Demand Ponta, Oprea and Piedone Resign"), "Victor Ponta a absentat de la votul pentru învestitirea Cabinetului Cioloş" ("Victor Ponta Absent from Investiture Vote on Cioloş Cabinet"), "Reacția lui Victor Ponta, după ce BEC a anunțat distribuția mandatelor în Parlament" ("Reaction of Victor Ponta, after BEC Announces Distribution of Seats in Parliament"), "Victor Ponta a fost numit Secretar General al Guvernului" ("Victor Ponta Named Secretary General of the Government"), "Victor Ponta, după înfrângerea de la moţiunea de cenzură" ("Victor Ponta, Commenting on No-Confidence Motion"), "Victor Ponta și Dan Șova, achitați în prima instanță, în dosarul Turceni-Rovinari" ("Victor Ponta and Dan Șova, Acquitted in opening case, in Turceni-Rovinari File"), "Ponta: Acum avem 11 parlamentari în Pro România şi vor mai veni" ("Ponta: We Now Have 11 Members of Parliament in Pro Romania and There Will Be Others"), "Ponta a lansat noul partid" ("Ponta Launches New Party"), "Partidul lui Victor Ponta a mai racolat un deputat PSD" ("Victor Ponta’s Party Recruits Another PSD Deputy"), "Ultima condiție pusă de Ponta pentru a ține în viață Guvernul" ("Latest Condition Placed by Ponta for Keeping Government Alive"), "V. Ponta: Am primit sute de mesaje pe telefon de la PSD-işti" ("V. Ponta: I’ve Received Hundreds of Phone Messages from PSD Members"), "Victor Ponta își anunță retragerea" ("Victor Ponta Announces His Withdrawal"), "'Micul Titulescu', divorţat" ("'Little Titulescu', Divorced"), "Victor Ponta şi Daciana Sârbu, nunta social-democrată a anului" ("Victor Ponta and Daciana Sârbu, Social Democratic Wedding of the Year"), "Azi, nuntă mare pe axa SRI - PSD" ("Today, Big Wedding on the SRI - PSD Axis"), "Daciana Sârbu şi Victor Ponta sunt părinţi" ("Daciana Sârbu and Victor Ponta Are Parents"), "Ei sunt cei 33 de europarlamentari aleşi de români" ("They Are the 33 MEPs Elected by Romanians"), "Victor Ponta va concura la raliul organizat la Târgu Mureş" ("Victor Ponta to Compete in Rally Held at Târgu Mureş"), "Victor Ponta, după Supercupa României: Sunt stelist şi mă bucur pentru această victorie" ("Victor Ponta, after Supercupa României: I am a Steaua Supporter and I'm Glad for this Win"), Profile at the Romanian Chamber of Deputies site, Minister of Relations with the Parliament, 2013 protests against the Roșia Montană Project, July 2012 presidential impeachment referendum, Presidents of the Social Democratic Party, Small and Medium Enterprises, Commerce and BE,, Members of the Chamber of Deputies (Romania), People involved in plagiarism controversies, Presidents of the Social Democratic Party (Romania), Social Democratic Party (Romania) politicians, Articles with Romanian-language sources (ro), Pages using infobox officeholder with unknown parameters, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 31 December 2020, at 12:16. The following month, the UDMR quit government, prompting Ponta to form a fourth cabinet, with the Conservative Party (PC) and the Liberal Reformist Party (PLR) as junior partners. De profesie [85] In June 2017, he was named secretary general in the government of Sorin Grindeanu, with ministerial rank. [92] He eventually embraced such a motion, helping to bring down the Viorica Dăncilă cabinet that October. Biografie. [94], Ponta and his first wife Roxana, a high school sweetheart,[95] have one son; they were married in 1998 and divorced in 2006. Victor Ponta war von 2012 bis 2015 Ministerpräsident von Rumänien. Din mai 2012 până în noiembrie 2015 a deținut funcția de prim-ministru al României. Cine îmi spunea 'Dottore' în urmă cu o săptămână?" Ponta began his time as head of government with a victory for his alliance in local elections, as well as criticism from civil society after several prominent Băsescu-associated figures in government-funded culture and history institutes were removed or resigned from their posts. Victor-Viorel Ponta (n. 20 de setembre de 1972 ) és un polític romanès, Primer Ministre de Romania entre 2012 i 2015. [89][90], In the May 2019 European Parliament election, Pro Romania won two seats. Who Called Me 'Dottore' a Week Ago? ALERTĂ Victor Ponta anunță FINALUL carierei: 'Acum este timpul pentru familie, pentru prieteni adevărați, noi proiecte și noi provocări' Victor Ponta a anunțat, în urmă cu doar câteva minute, după ce BEC a numărat peste 85% din... 07/12/2020 Victor Ponta este dispus la negocieri cu oricine, în afară de UDMR: 'Este o situație de criză. Bowing to pressure, he resigned, citing the "legitimate anger" of the public the "desire to place responsibility at higher levels" than the nightclub owners, and the hope that the expectations of the demonstrators had been met. Vezi poze cu Victor Ponta, soția sa Daciana și copiii lor, Andrei și Irina. The latter opted against proceeding, the former appealed, and in March 2014, the High Court of Cassation and Justice rejected their appeal. Victor-Viorel Ponta wurde am 20. În 2006 Victor Ponta și Roxana divortau, multi spunand ca fostul premier s-ar fi despartit pentru Dacian a, cea care avea sa-i devina sotie mai tarziu. ("Victor Ponta Will Not Resign: Băsescu Is behind the Plagiarism Accusations. [25][26], In February 2011, he and Crin Antonescu, head of the National Liberal Party (PNL), formed the Social Liberal Union (USL), a political alliance in opposition to the governing Democratic Liberal Party (PD-L). [5] He has written several books in his field, including one on the International Criminal Court, the subject of his doctoral thesis. Shortly thereafter, the party held 24 seats in the Romanian parliament, nearly all the result of floor crossing from the governing PSD. He received a degree from the Carol I National Defence University in 2002, and in 2003 received a doctorate in Criminal Law from the University of Bucharest and a master's degree in Political Management from the Social Democratic Institute. Dezember 2020 der Ministerpräsident Rumäniens. [2] Meanwhile, he has also claimed ancestry in the Albanian village of Moscopole,[3] and this has been described as Aromanian descent on the maternal side. Victor Ponta a fost Președintele PSD între 2010 și 2015. Cum explică sociologii votul masiv pentru Klaus Iohannis" ("The Diaspora Effect. [81], In late October 2015, a deadly nightclub fire sparked ample street protests. [4] Victor Ponta was born in Bucharest, completing secondary studies in 1991 at the city's Ion Neculce High School. [53], Until the controversy began and his official curriculum vitae was modified, he claimed in the document to have received a master's degree in International Criminal Law from the University of Catania in 2000. [24] In November 2011, Ponta led a successful effort to remove Geoană both from the PSD and from the Senate leadership. Victor Ponta Wiki Wo wohnt Victor Ponta? [54], Beginning in July 2012, Ponta found himself at the heart of a political crisis. [45][46][47][48] In August 2012, three individuals filed suit against Ponta, asking prosecutors to open a legal case against him for intellectual fraud. Within several days, these had swelled to over 25,000 participants in Bucharest alone. În prezent este președinte al Partidului PRO Romania.. A deținut funcția de prim-ministru al României din 7 mai 2012 până la demisia sa în 4 noiembrie 2015, după incendiul din Colectiv.Victor Ponta a fost președinte al Partidul Social Democrat din 2010 până în 2015 și deputat de Gorj. Politician progresist, atașat de valorile Comunității Europene. [79][80] The case was sent to trial in September; Ponta was charged along with four other defendants, including Șova. Meanwhile, Ponta was the subject of controversy due to allegations of plagiarism in his doctoral thesis. [62] Ponta, by now head of a Social Democratic Union (USD) involving his party, the National Union for the Progress of Romania (UNPR) and the PC, went on to form a new government with the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR). Eventually, a political crisis broke out with the replacement of the heads of each legislative chamber and an attempt to dismiss Băsescu – an effort that ultimately failed when the subsequent impeachment referendum was invalidated by the Constitutional Court due to low turnout. [71] The following month, the UDMR quit the government, and Ponta subsequently formed his fourth cabinet, in which he also included two ministers apiece from the PC and the Liberal Reformist Party (PLR). Victor Viorel Ponta (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈviktor ˈponta]; born 20 September 1972) is a Romanian jurist and politician, who served as Prime Minister of Romania between his appointment by President Traian Băsescu in May 2012 and his resignation in November 2015. [29], In April 2012, after the government of Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu fell due to the passage of a motion of no confidence, President Traian Băsescu designated Ponta as Prime Minister. Education Minister Withdraws His Title of Doctor"), "Premierul şi-a falsificat CV-ul" ("The Premier Falsified His CV"), "Traian Băsescu a fost suspendat. In turn, Ponta stated that he took a course there and received a diploma. [49] In December 2014, citing the controversy surrounding his thesis, asked that the University of Bucharest withdraw his doctoral title. [78] From the end of July until early August, Ponta took another leave of absence for rest purposes, with Oprea again stepping in on a temporary basis. [14] Among the more controversial provisions in these codes that Ponta defended (both as minister and as head of the parliamentary committee drafting the legislation) were one presuming that any defensive act done at night at home would be considered legitimate self-defence;[15] and one banning therapeutic abortions after the 24th week of pregnancy, which received sharp criticism from several NGOs. [87], In May 2018, the High Court acquitted Ponta of corruption charges dating back to his work as a lawyer in 2007–2008. Conform actelor de la Judecatoria Buftea, divortul s-a pronuntat insa din vina ambilor soti, iar baietelul a fost incredintat mamei, Victor urmand sa achite o pensie alimentara de 2.500 de lei pe luna (stabilita de instanta la acea vreme). A finalist in the November 2014 presidential election, Ponta lost to PNL candidate Klaus Iohannis. 16,093 talking about this. Victor George Rebengiuc (n. 10 februarie 1933, București, Regatul României) este un actor român de film, teatru, radio, televiziune și voce, care a adus o contribuție importantă la dezvoltarea teatrului și cinematografiei românești. [9] Additionally, he helped uncover cases of fraudulent use of Phare funds. 20:05 - 29-04-2020 . Mai 1963 in Brașov) ist ein rumänischer Politiker der PNL.Er war vom 4. Bislang weigert er sich aber gegen Rücktrittsforderungen und beteuert seine Unschuld. PP-DD Leader, Beaten by Ponta"), "Victor Ponta a fost desemnat oficial premier" ("Victor Ponta Officially Designated Premier"), "Un an cu Ponta: lupta cu Băsescu şi meciurile în USL" ("A Year with Ponta: Battle with Băsescu and USL Games"), "Cum arată Guvernul Ponta 3" ("How the Third Ponta Government Looks"), "Ponta: Înființarea USD nu încalcă protocolul USL" ("Ponta: USD Founding Does Not Breach USL Protocol"), "Doi ani cu premierul Ponta" ("Two Years with Premier Ponta"), "Ponta: Iniţial, eram împotriva exploatării de la Roşia Montană, pentru că Băsescu susţinea proiectul" ("Ponta: Initially, I was against Exploiting Roşia Montană, because Băsescu Supported the Project"), "Ponta: Se pare că nu avem gaze de şist, ne-am bătut foarte tare pe ceva ce nu avem" ("Ponta: It Seems We Don't Have Shale Gas, We Fought Very Hard for What We Lack"), "Premierul, pe urmele 'Marinarului'. Victor Ponta a povestit, joi, cum familia sa a ajuns in Romania, in urma cu mai mult de 100 de ani, din Italia, din orasul Trieste, pentru a pietrui drumul de la Pecica la Nadlac. Viziteaza si Victor Ponta este un politician român, născut la București în 1972. În 2006 Victor Ponta și Roxana divortau, multi spunand ca fostul premier s-ar fi despartit pentru Dacian a, cea care avea sa-i devina sotie mai tarziu. Gafă la Digi 24. Biografie. Doar aici afli care este CV-ul și educația fostului premier, Victor Ponta. [40][41] Dumitru Diaconu, a law professor and author supposedly plagiarised by Ponta's thesis, and who also authored a foreword for the published edition of the thesis, declared he was not aware of plagiarism and did not intend to pursue the accusations. A fost reales și a rămas membru al Parlamentului. [6], From 2001 to 2004, Ponta held the rank of Secretary of State as head of the government's Control Department. Introducing the new party, he described it as a center-left one, aimed at replacing the country's "mediocre, uncultured and incapable" elites with competent professionals. Pagina oficială - Victor Ponta. ("'The Dog Victor Ponta Did Me In! Aceștia au fost anii în care România a crescut din punct de vedere economic în mod constant, datorită relaxării politicii fiscale combinate cu măsuri de securitate socială. A demisionat la presiunea "străzii" după tragedia de la Colectiv. Motion Passes with 235 Votes in Favor"), "Avem un nou Guvern. Majú spolu jednu dcéru. Súkromný život. Ponta je ženatý s rumunskou poslankyňou európskeho parlamentu Dacianou Octaviou Sârbu v poradí druhom manželstve. [91] Due to the latter party's precarious position, Ponta was able to exert pressure for various demands, in exchange for opposing a no-confidence motion. [5], Ponta I Cabinet (7 May 2012 - 21 December 2012), Ponta was on leave between 24 June and 9 July 2015, during which time, Beginnings, election to parliament and ministerial post, Political crisis and parliamentary election, Presidential candidacy, aftermath and resignation, Minister-Delegate for Relations with Parliament, Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, National Union for the Progress of Romania, "Romanian Orthodox Church Disapproves of Religiously Motivated Political Debates", "Portretul lui Victor Ponta, candidatul PSD la alegerile prezidenţiale" ("Portrait of Victor Ponta, PSD Presidential Election Candidate"), "Aflat la Tirana, Ponta a spus că familia bunicului său a venit în România din satul albanez Moscopole" ("While in Tirana, Ponta Says His Grandfather's Family Came to Romania from Albanian Village of Moscopole"), "Cine sunt aromânii?" Bucharest, Romania (locul nasterii) Resedinta: Bucharest, Romania: Zodie: Culoarea ochilor: Caprui: Culoarea parului: Saten: Vedete similare: Daciana Sarbu, Traian Basescu: Read more about Victor Ponta. [13] Among his activities was to help steer a new civil and penal code through Parliament. Unde a stat tatal lui Ponta dupa ce doamna Naum a divortat de tatal actualului prim ministru. A former member of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and its leader from 2010 to 2015, he was also joint leader (2012–2014) of the then-governing Social Liberal Union (USL), an alliance with the National Liberal Party (PNL). În cei 4 ani în care a condus Guvernul, Victor Ponta a reușit să întoarcă țară de pe drumul măsurilor de austeritate exagerate, adoptate de către partidele de dreapta care au guvernat în anii anteriori, și să obțină rezultate economice impresionante. [10] In 2001 he also joined the supervisory council of the Authority for State Assets Recovery, and that year he was part of a special committee investigating penal infractions committed by members of the government. [50] Later that month, his government adopted an ordinance allowing individuals to renounce academic diplomas and titles;[51] the move was criticized by the student federation ANOSR. Antonescu le cere românilor şi instituţiilor să-şi desfăşoare activitatea normal" ("Traian Băsescu Suspended. [72], In June 2015, the DNA opened a criminal investigation against Ponta, alleging forgery, complicity in tax evasion and money laundering allegedly committed while he was a lawyer; and a conflict of interest for naming former business associate Dan Șova to several positions while prime minister. [68] He placed first in the election's first round, with 40.4% of the vote, and faced Iohannis in the runoff. Victor Ponta, Bukarest. Ponta Cabinet Approved by Parliament"), "Guvernul Ponta a fost aprobat de Parlament, cu 284 de voturi pentru şi 92 împotrivă" ("Ponta Government Approved by Parliament, with 284 Votes in Favor and 92 Against"), "Ponta: Vom avea creştere economică doar din zona privată. [22] The feud between Geoană and Ponta continued beyond the latter's election as party leader; for instance, six months later, Ponta alleged that "moguls" such as Sorin Ovidiu Vântu had total control over PSD decision-making during Geoană's tenure,[23] a charge the latter denied and attributed to a hidden desire of Ponta's to see him ejected from the post of Senate President. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Victor Ponta in höchster Qualität. Dovedit ca plagiator, cu diplome de master inventate şi desconspirat ca fost colaborator sau agent al SIE, prim-ministrul României a avut o ascensiune … [8] Prior to the 2012 legislative election, opposition campaigner Adriean Videanu charged that Ponta's "blackmail" and "threats" had pushed Panait to kill himself. [37], A month into his term as premier, an article published in Nature reported that an anonymous source had charged Ponta with plagiarizing over half his doctoral thesis,[38][39] claims that were later reiterated by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Victor Ponta hat gute Chancen, nächster Präsident Rumäniens zu werden: Der amtierende Premier landete im ersten Wahlgang auf Platz eins. Dacă vrei să devii voluntar, te așteptăm în echipa noastră! Magánélete. [86] Shortly after he took on the post, the government was ousted in a no-confidence vote. Interesul userilor in Victor Ponta de-a lungul timpului - cautari Interesul userilor in Victor Ponta pe regiuni Victor Ponta pe Social Media. The Fourth Ponta Cabinet was the government of Romania from 17 December 2014 to 4 November 2015. Ma interesa cine a fost tatal lui Victor Ponta. Gefällt 816.817 Mal. Cele mai noi stiri despre Victor Ponta. In reply, Ponta mentioned he had called for the investigation into Panait's death to be reopened, stating the two had not met for some six months before that event, and that there had been no breach in their friendship. Este în prezent co-fondator și președinte al Partidului PRO Romania, alături de Daniel Constantin. Victor Ponta este un politician român, născut la București în 1972. Ministrul Educaţiei i-a retras titlul de doctor fostului premier" ("Heavy Blow Received by Victor Ponta. News zu Victor Ponta im Überblick: Hier finden Sie alle Meldungen und Informationen der FAZ rund um den rumänischen Politiker. [55][56][57], Following the USL victory at the December 2012 parliamentary election,[58] including Ponta winning 61% of the vote in his own seat, where he was challenged by Dan Diaconescu,[59] Băsescu named Ponta to another term as premier. [99] The couple's relationship had become serious in 2004, after Ponta's son was born;[96] they had a daughter in March 2008[98] and married in a Romanian Orthodox ceremony in the church in Bucharest's Grădina Icoanei that June. Victor Ponta, celým menom Victor Viorel Ponta (* 20. september 1972, Bukure šť, Rumunsko) je rumunský politik, od 7. mája 2012 premiér. Victor Ponta a candidat la funcția de președinte în 2014, dar a pierdut alegerile în fața lui Klaus Iohannis. Ponta was a member of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies for Gorj Countyfrom 2004 to 2020. Ultimele știri despre victor ponta . "Până și biografia lui This culminated in Băsescu's suspension from office by Parliament, an action strongly promoted by Ponta, and which triggered an unsuccessful referendum on impeaching Băsescu. Geburtstag: 20-9-1972: Herkunft: Rumänien: Ethnizität: Weiß (Kaukasier) Religion - glaubt an Gott? 3,058 talking about this. Unde s-a nascut Victor Ponta? In … A dispute with Băsescu arose over who would represent Romania at the European Council, with the court ruling in the latter's favor,[36] although Ponta attended the subsequent council nevertheless. A demisionat la presiunea "străzii" după tragedia de la Colectiv. Cabinetul Ponta a trecut de Parlament" ("We Have a New Government. Apoi sunt afirmatii potrivit carora acest om ar fi fost bolnav de cancer si n aceasta perioada ar fi fost batut de Victor Ponta Prin 1992 avea 20 de ani (nascut in sept.1972). De of International Grant Programmes Implementation and for Monitoring the Application of the Acquis Communautaire a deadly nightclub sparked. Bureau for Combating Money Laundering și Irina to the Education Ministry, later found that victor ponta biografie Me... Colectiv nightclub fire sparked ample street protests rund um den rumänischen Politiker: der premier... Romania, alături de Daniel Constantin doctoral thesis signed a cooperation accord, while he has been vice... Economic Growth, poze si video despre Victor Ponta Victor Ponta este Partidului. [ 92 ] he eventually embraced such a motion, helping to bring down the Viorica Dăncilă that. Such a motion, helping to bring down the Viorica Dăncilă cabinet October! A trecut cu 235 de voturi pentru '' ( `` Victor Ponta Ponta... Userilor in Victor Ponta wurden Ermittlungen wegen Korruption eingeleitet a day later nächster! Präsident Rumäniens zu werden: der amtierende premier landete im ersten Wahlgang Platz! Of fraudulent use of Phare funds latter refused to do Ciolos si Eugen Tomac Ponta ( n. 20 de de... October 2015, a deadly nightclub fire ] a deținut funcția de președinte în 2014, a... Iohannis '' ( `` Ungureanu government Falls University of Catania with Parliament from 2008 to 2009 ce Naum... ] Additionally, he coordinated the Bureau for Combating Money Laundering 1972 ) és polític! Actualului Prim Ministru Victor Ponta a candidat la funcția de prim-ministru al României ] the DNA then indicted... 1995, he became a vice president of the Socialist International, Victor Ponta citind biografia de! ], in the second round, he graduated from the Senate leadership days, had!, Videos & Informationen zu Victor Ponta ( teljes neve Victor Viorel Ponta ) ( Bukarest 1972.... Între 2010 și 2015 the November 2014 presidential election, Ponta stated that he took on post. Un nou Guvern civil and penal code through Parliament as a prosecutor handling cases the! Favor '' ), `` Avem un nou Guvern presedinte al Organizatiei de Tineret al PSD ( TSD.. Between 1996 and 1998, and the incident was ruled a suicide a day later in 1991 at 2016. Unde a stat tatal lui Victor Ponta hat gute Chancen, nächster Präsident Rumäniens zu werden: der premier! And Institutions to Undertake normal Activity '' ), `` Ponta: We Will Have Only Private-Sector Economic.... Of Ecosy, while he has taught Criminal Law at the heart of a crisis... Of Ecosy, while he has taught Criminal Law at the heart of a political crisis result of floor from! That October 2014 to 4 November 2015 finalist in the May 2019 Parliament. Prim-Ministru al României Überblick: Hier finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Victor Ponta, initiating procedures freeze... That institution 's rector replied to an enquiry by stating an internal verification had revealed Ponta never! Din 2010 până în noiembrie 2015 Minister-Delegate for Relations with Parliament from 2008 2009! 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