It was also unnecessary as we already had better languages that could have been adapted to modern needs (e.g. The post does not try to explain why Rust is the most loved language according to StackOverflow survey:-) The engineers had a … This was back when Perl and CGI was the standard for dynamic web, and I thought "use Perl, or write it in C++ with the strings library? This alone is enough to make Python my go-to language. ARM asm is also a whole lot easier than any of the CISC asm languages (I'll learn x86 one day) and has more functionality in terms of microcontrollers and single board computers that I like to use. I love C for raw programming as well as using it in networking. It looks good! But for scratchpad stuff ... it's really nice to be able to write fast, and then later actually read what I wrote. There is Elixir, that makes Erlang better and simpler. Probably, I will write an article about my impressions regarding this rewriting. The post does not try to explain why Rust is the most loved language according to StackOverflow survey:-) Elixir' author often say beautiful code. This language is Microsoft’s darling and has a wide arrange of utilities and tools. Still my favorite language though! Python's syntax is so similar to written English. Either way, I love using Python because I can code thoughts like writing notes in a notebook. You take your pick. Back in 2017, I wrote about why the D programming language is a great choice for development. In these areas they are very different, but it is a matter of framework, not language itself. I also appreciate Go, even if it's my last go-to, just when I need speed or portability (eg: deploy a binary in production). Information such as the type of browser being used, its operating system, and your IP address is gathered in order to enhance your online experience. That won't make a difference in web apps because computing is never the bottleneck (it's usually I/O bound : loading 1000s of classes from your favorite framework and querying an API or SQL server that's not even on the same machine comes at a cost), but it could make PHP usable for domains in which nobody would consider using PHP/Python/Ruby today, like heavy scientific computations, image processing, 3d rendering or IA. Why is Java the best programming Language? parameter passing details, start by one indexing, column major order, no pointers etc. Does expertise in using a sword give you bragging rights? I don't have anything go to for web stuff since I never done a web development before. When I needed to make a list of options for a select and was given a list of languages and their ‘language code’, I opened up a node instance and turned those two lists into an object and the. But really, JS is the language that I know best, and that doesn’t require a file template (unlike C# for example). Of course, no programming tool is entirely free of problems. 0. questions ~4.9m. I never get to apply this skill professionally though. Basic Terms Every Beginner Programmer Must Know. How is it different from a Software? is a smart, intelligent, quirky, witty content portal that targets people interested in Technology, programming, open source, IoT, AI, and cybersecurity. Python was my first language too, and it was my favourite until learning Kotlin a few months ago. UFCS is a syntactic sugar in D that enables chaining any regular function on a type (string, number, boolean, etc.) Python is also ok, but i like it only for scripting (I do not like OOP in Python because IMO it's not primarily designed for it). I like the flexibility. I've dabbled with a lot of languages over the years but I always end up going to either C or Python. Four lines in particular really speak to me: Explicit is better than implicit. Even though Java is my favorite language, and I know a bit of C and C++, I am striving to expand beyond this year. I LOVE Rust for the safety, for the fast and the zero-cost abstraction. But I would love to see something that was written in Java, not only re-written into modern C#, but in the .NET Core repackaging of The .NET Framework. Why Sun is right that Java sucks. People complain routinely about Java lacking good Generics, but then people turn around and go to a language with none. TS/JS runs pretty much everywhere: Web, Mobile, Desktop, IOT, front-end, back-end. A lot of folks feel that way and I can't say that defining the type of data that goes into a variable or data set is not a huge advantage in a lot of ways. Made with love and Ruby on Rails. This is still one of the reason of Java being best programming language, most of Java applications are developed in Windows environment and run in UNIX platform. I'm liking Julia a lot cause it's very easy to learn and write for data science and is very fast too, I mostly use python for that, but there have been times that it was too slow for the size of the data I was processing and Julia saved my ass. C# has its roots in the C family of languages and will be immediately familiar to C, C++, Java, and JavaScript programmers”. Java is the foundation program for Android applications, so it’s the general choice for mobile developers. Thus, it makes Java better than C programming. The thing I like about C# is how it links both these earlier phases of my career and takes it further. Why C++ is not my favorite programming language Eric S. Raymond, famous figure in the open source movement (1), wrote on his blog he was working on a paper with the colorful title "Why C++ Is Not Our Favorite Programming Language". For about 10 years before that, it was classic VB (VB2 to VB6) and before that it was about 8 years of MASM, C and C++ with a sprinkling of QBASIC. Why learn a new language just to learn a new language for production stuff? TypeScript is Javascript for the statically typed language fans. There are several languages that I like, so mostly my go-to definitions depends of what are the needs for the project. But Azure is my baby, I'm a cloud guy at heart. It was a HUGE step up from bashing my head against the wall (pun slightly intended) with shell scripting for PC file manipulation. The only reason I use JS more than the others is that it's really simple to just open the console in Chrome and start typing... i write python for my job, but if i had my druthers i'd be writing haskell all the time. There are only a few programming languages which seem hard to get replaced and Java is one of them. Any resource you can point me to for latest progress/news on Ruby v3? Kotlin definitely seems to get a lot of things right. I find the dynamic typing of Python makes large projects a little more difficult to manage. This FREE thing also helped Java to become popular among individual programmers, and among large organisations. It's not necessarily my favorite language but I've gotten comfortable with it because I use it so often now. My go to is Java, as it wasn't so much my first language (C# -> C++ -> Java). In most object-oriented languages, there is a very specific time when an object constructor is called (namely, when an object is instantiated) and when its destructor is called (namely, when … It is somewhat the difference between dialects of a same language, I think. My first programming language was Java, which was my go-to language throughout my undergrad studies. Yes, of course. If it needs to be fast, C/C++ or Fortran. My language my Java. I was able to write games and helpful scripts with very little programming experience. Tools like Spring Boot where almost anything you want to do is there already, and you can build pretty big things with a couple of config classes, a few interfaces, and some annotations. That's what I'll reach for if it doesn't have to be either of the former two. United States. We're going after AWS's cloud service. Google LLC urges Chromium developers to stop using Windows 7, Realme X7 Pro India Launch Soon Expected in 2021. It hurts my brain, but I love it. Can you tell me what type apps do you develop using Linux Mint ? Passionate about education, Python, JavaScript, and code art. I mostly work in HTML/CSS and some JS due to my job. I try other languages, and see lots of potential for Elixir while having plenty of respect and appreciation for Python, but at the end of the day, I am a Ruby developer and I couldn't be happier. Its concurrency story is very mediocre. Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language Brian W. Kernighan AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 ABSTRACT The programming language Pascal has become the dominant language of instruction in computer science education. Pascal is a dead language! Great collection of Open Source libraries. Java language is not a Pure Object Oriented Language as it contain these properties: Primitive Data Type ex. But then it became familiar. In my head, I thought only in JavaScript for my backend and front end possibilities. ** Of course, you can program C/C++ to be just as fast. 4. DEV Community © 2016 - 2021. For writing full scale applications C# has become my go-to simply because I use it everyday and it's most familiar to me on a "bigger than a single algorithm" scale at this point. Started learning to code in C#, quickly switched to JavaScript. I have also considered switching to clojure, outright, more than once. Go favor simple. Don't tell Python yet thought cuz she doesn't know and I want her to be ready to move on with her life before I bring in a step-mom for her in the shape of Rust. A JRE is available for almost every type of computer — PCs running Windows, Macintosh computers, Unix or Linux computers, huge mainframe computers, and even cell phones. Perl is my go-to, and has been for over 20 years. Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. I'm hoping it won't be long before I actually start using it for personal projects and other endeavors. C# all the way. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. No language is the best for all possible programming tasks. Rust has some new idea. Years later, I was surprised how Erlang's syntax was similar to Prolog's one. I think that’s something special. Complied to native binary makes it simple to use for processing io and building tools. Java as a programming language offers a reach pack of powerful IDEs for different applications in the real world. // monitor.vala: why Vala is not my favorite programming language. Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language. Lots of programmers, who use open source, tester etc. But I'm no EJP ;) 826. answers. But I would like to transfer to a more data centric role around Machine Learning (if possible), so looking into F# and Python. After using it professionally for long enough, I've become familiar enough with its syntax and standard library to be able to do most things without having this search the docs. It's got all the good as well as the bad. people reached. Nor am I a dedicated designer. An Introduction to Neural Network and Deep Learning For Beginners. It’s so elegant. I think dynamically/weakly typed languages are a bomb waiting to explode. Last time I worked with Ruby (3-4 years ago), I heard about the Ruby 3x3 initiative. It also makes writing OO style code easier while it still allows writing in a functional style if you prefer. Note, that I do not work as a frontend developer, but I do mobile apps in Kotlin, so everything else is just more or less hobby to me. In my opinion, having used both, I think the typing system of a language is less important than knowing how to use the typing system of your language of choice. to "Can I put my FitBit step count in my Bash prompt?" This isn't meant to be a debate, just a display of love for languages that have been helpful for us! Is PHP a Scripting or a Programming Language. Java is an object-oriented programming language that supports all principles like Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Overloading, Overriding, … What makes me 'go-to' a language tends to be a question of whether I know how to solve a problem in a language already, and do I have time to do it in a language I don't know how to solve the problem in already. I don't have a particular go-to as I don't consider myself a bonafide developer. If you gave me a code challenge I'd do it in Common Lisp. What is a Firmware? I especially love CPAN, which I hold as a best-in-show for language repositories. Thanks for the A2A. I left the C# world behind when .NET 4.5 was new and C# 5 was the latest version of the language so, suffice to say, I'm well removed from the C family nowadays. PowerShell is cross-platform. It's good for JS programmers. I also experimenting with OcaML and Clojure, and I kinda liking them a lot... C++ tends to be my go-to language for technical interviews as it was what I was trained in academically and what I studied as I prepped to enter the job market. Simple is better than complex. Java … I'm mainly a web developer so started out with PHP and front-end tech in Uni but gradually found that the front-end discipline is very easy so moved on to C#. How to Get Involved? I like python. But I will also be the first to admit that Python, and languages like it, are far from perfect despite their popularity. My first programming language was Java, which was my go-to language throughout my undergrad studies. a great and supportive community behind the language, CSS: Paint, windows, and animation of HTML, JS: Anything and everything browser / browser like based (+ some desktop apps). Python was my first programming language, and it made me fall in love with writing code in the first place. Perl. I would recommend you Elm language if you like Haskell. I'm going to be the weirdo here: I don't have a go-to programming language. ;-). But with release of PHP 7 (and PHP 8), PSR standards and frameworks like Laravel and Symphony, it has improved a lot. So guess what? On my machine it takes almost an hour // to chew through my hard drive. I started learning programming with C++ (go-to language for the first 3-4 years in uni), then there was Java, PHP, a bit of Python, a bit of Ruby on Rails... I'm somewhere in the purgatory that lives between the two. On a side note, I'm taking some online courses in Python and loving its simplicity so far! I've read a bit about .NET Core, but am not really sure if it is Microsoft doing its usual thing of acquiring a company (in this case Xamarin) then giving their founders a big middle finger by ripping their product apart, taking what they like, and throwing the rest away, telling Mono to go shove it, or an actual attempt to encourage a cross-platform, open sourced world. I've used Vbs, Shell, PowerShell for different things over time and python can do everything they can do and may be more. To answer this question, the asker, Tom Graves, assumes I know more than one language. 123 votes, 282 comments. Fast writing -> Python or Julia. There are so many features that are available but not necessary that you can do it any way you want very quickly if you know JS well enough. 1. For the Web, JavaScript, until something better comes along. It runs on all the OSes. You are almost forced to know Javascript nowadays, but Javascript really bothered me with its, in my opinion, unsafe way of dealing with types, I have come from Java, it is something I don't tolerate. I mostly use PHP and JS as those were the two languages I learned first. I've used sockets in python and Java, so I'll try to answer socket questions. The popularity and usage of Java are still increasing even after two decades which is a big time for any Programming language. Fast execution -> Rust I'll usually try to churn a solution out in Bash using other programs (curl, sed, jq and stuff) and some pipes. It didn't offer enough benefits to outweigh the benefits of Java + Spring Boot. I love c++ and to be honest I would try to do anything there. What is the Difference Between a Programmer and Developer? Why C# Is Not My Favorite Programming Language 1. Object Orientation. meaningful whitespace: I'm going to indent my code anyways, I should get something in return for that! The expert programmer provides advice FREE at various Java forums and StackOverflow. It's got some warts, but it's pretty simple to hammer stuff out. It’s easy to search, refactor and read code using IDEs. I generally prefer simplicity and readability in a language and I think Go is great at that compared to other languages, despite its known shortcomings. Because they really complement each other very nicely. If I want to just bang/try something out or show somebody an idea or concept, I go Python every time. It also changes little details with C, e.g. My favorite example of what makes Python both easy to … Barely even remember what to type and cutting-edge technologies make programming fun, and.! Dev and other inclusive communities has made his hobby turned passion, his profession.. Was originally designed to make programming fun, and Inheritance, web,,... Hack '' away at and consistently get somewhere because why not modern needs ( e.g everything PHP! Other things, and the Rails and Dry ecosystem almost an hour // chew. Build a template and generated the list of html options in the way go! So can any language interpreter to get started, and the big variety of frameworks it has spin. Is so similar to Prolog 's one go programmer too, at first I love C/C++ 'm also suggestion! On my machine it takes almost an hour // to chew through my drive... 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