The Pearl River Delta climate is a humid sub-tropical climate with an average annual temperature of 23°C. The amounts of large plastic and microplastic debris of the same types (EPS and fragments) were positively correlated, suggesting that the fragmentation of large plastic material may increase the quantity of beach microplastic debris. In 2013, the 11 control points along the Hong Kong-Mainland border see a daily average of 562,400 cross in both directions – a mammoth increase from 333,200 in 2001. Nine selected antibiotics in the Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong and the Pearl River at Guangzhou, South China, were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. The regional cooperation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta has been officially launched since the signing of the “PPRD Cooperation Framework Agreement” in Guangzhou on June 3, 2004. Other articles where Pearl River is discussed: Guangdong: Drainage: The Pearl River itself, extending southward from Guangzhou, receives the Dong River and opens into its triangular estuary that has Macau (west) and Hong Kong (east) at its mouth. The results showed that the concentrations of antibiotics were mainly below the l … With labyrinths of roads, tunnels, bridges across the delta, as well as intra- and inter-city railways totalling more than 4,000km, the residents of the Pearl River Delta will be able to easily speed from any one of the nine cities to another in an hour or less. Hong Kong manufacturers and suppliers of pearl river from around the world. It wasn’t that long ago that the PRD was a humble, rural place. Realistically, perhaps the more important question, as Yep suggests, is how integration impacts on Hong Kong – both beneficially and negatively. By Samuel Lai. “Such inter-connectedness among the nine cities is beyond the conventional urban agglomeration,” says Zuo. The Pearl River Delta is the southernmost of China’s three main coastal economic centers. The Pearl River Delta that is the convergent point of three upstream rivers: the East River, North River, and West River is filled with hundreds of small islands. We're going to do a quick glimpse at Hong Kong on our way from the US to New Zealand during a 20 hour layover. Back in Hong Kong, the Chief Executive announced in his latest Policy Address (Hong Kong SAR Government, 2011) that the Hong Kong Government will explore with the governments of Guangdong, Shenzhen and Macao “proposals for requiring ocean-going vessels to switch to low-sulphur diesel while berthing in Pearl River Delta (PRD) waters, and setting up an Emission Control Area in PRD … However, it isn’t, according to some, a foregone conclusion that Hong Kong will remain as the power centre of a future PRD megacity. We do not have a choice to refuse integration with the Pearl River Delta. Humpback Dolphins in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: Status, Threats and Conservation Challenges. The mean microplastic abundance for Hong Kong was 5595 items/m2. In Hong Kong, the case of humpback dolphins represents a particularly explicit example of inadequate management where a complete revision of the fundamental approach to conservation management is urgently needed. “Moreover, Hong Kong would also act as a role model to the new major Experimental Zones in Guangdong, especially the Qianhai district [the so-called ‘Manhattan’ of the Pearl River Delta], which aims to develop modern service industries such as finance, logistics and information technology.”. And as controversy reigns over the continued urban development into the HKSAR’s northeastern territories, we dissect the future of the extravagant sprawling metropolis and see how its emergence will affect – and perhaps eventually kill – Hong Kong. “Instead of considering them to be nine individual, separate cities, it makes more sense to see them as a unified, organic whole with a continuous urban area. The designation of Shenzhen and Zhuhai as SEZs was a strategic move to act as an “overflow” for businesses in Hong Kong, and the impact on the Pearl River Delta was profound and immediate. It is a bustling region with massive manufacturing and trade. The Pearl River Delta (or PRD) is in Guangdong province, China. They were once widespread on the Pearl River delta and around the inlets and islands of the neighbouring Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR). Right now half of the market value of our Hang Seng Index is related to Chinese capital. More than 90% consisted of microplastics. View a high resolution version of this graphic. This $15BN ocean crossing connects Hong Kong with Macau and Zhuhai, drastically reducing journey times and bringing over 68 million people closer together. Some experts also see Hong Kong’s integration into the PRD megacity as an opportunity to address issues that the city is not able to resolve unilaterally. Essentially, the blueprint proposes a spending of near to RMB2 trillion on more than 150 major infrastructure improvements to forge a colossal network of transportation, water, energy supply and telecommunication. Author information: (1)The Swire … “If we allow the border area and nearby regions to integrate with Shenzhen in such a way, we are actually destroying One Country, Two Systems, at least geographically,” he says. ... Foshan, Dongguan, Huizhou, and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao. La mégalopole de la Rivière des Perles désigne une conurbation située en Chine du Sud, autour du delta de la rivière des Perles, dans la province du Guangdong.Cette composante géographique est en développement, la qualification de cette vaste région urbaine comme mégalopole est principalement le fait de l'importance démographique des villes qui la composent. “As the internationalisation of the RMB continues to move forward, Hong Kong still has a unique role to play as an offshore RMB centre,” says Zhou. Le développement économique de la « Zone économique du delta de la Rivière des Perles » a déc… On the Pearl River about 120 km (75 mi) north-northwest of Hong Kong and 145 km (90 mi) north of Macau, Guangzhou has a history of over 2,200 years and was a major terminus of the maritime Silk Road, and continues to serve as a major port and transportation hub, as well as one of … Most notably, the controversial 140km-long Express Rail Link, with its terminus in West Kowloon, will reduce the travel time between Hong Kong and Guangzhou to a mere 48 minutes when it is operational in 2015. The area experiences heavy rainfall during the monsoon months between April and September with annual rainfall of about 1,700 millimeters an… Back in 1978, it was mainly agricultural, with villages dotting the marshy lands, occupying only 0.45 percent of the area of China. “When Mainland tourists come to Hong Kong, they can observe the values and inner workings of a relatively more liberal society and bring these experiences back to Mainland,” says Liu. If we consider them to be ‘rude’ and ‘impolite’, why can’t we be confident enough that we can influence them?”. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. in Hong Kong and the greater Pearl River Delta region. “We often forget that Hong Kong has always been an immigrant city,” says renowned author, Chan Koon-chung. Correspondances en ferry et SkyPier. Author information: (1)Department of Science and Environmental Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Special It constitutes the Chinese mainland portion of the Hong Kong region and is located north of Hong Kong Island and east of the mouth of the Pearl (Zhu) River Delta. In the Pearl River Delta, towns in coastal megacities, such as Hong Kong, experience severe land shortage, which has led to the installation of essential infrastructure in flood-prone areas. Entirely rain-fed, these rivers are subject to extreme seasonal fluctuations, and they collect so much water that,… But reading between the lines, there are a few more urban centres involved in this grand regional vision. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Commercial services: the Greater Pearl River Delta Region (this definition officially includes Hong Kong and Macau, too) is one of the largest trading service centers of Mainland China: trading, procurement, freight forwarding, logistics, etc. Cross-border commuting has become a relatively common phenomenon, with government statistics showing that a total of more than 50,000 Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta residents cross the border at least four times a week for work. Auteur FENG XIAO; BRAJER (Victor); MEAD (Robert-W) Collectivité auteur California State University. Two hundred years ago, only three percent of the world’s population lived in cities. A record 35 million further Mainlanders visited our city last year as tourists. At least, on Liu’s conception of the issue, Hongkongers will have a say in the matter. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Hong Kong at the Pearl River Estuary: A hotspot of microplastic pollution. Déjà vu! Inhabitants of the megalopolis will be able to attend school or stay at hospitals with a government subsidy at any of the nine cities. Drones have been dropped in the water to monitor their activity, which includes socializing, splashing about on the water and sex, reports the Guardian. View the high resolution version of today’s graphic by clicking here.. City University’s Yep agrees, suggesting that diversity is one of Hong Kong’s greatest strengths – and something that would be bolstered by an increasingly diverse range of people. Economically and linguistically, the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau — located on opposite sides of the mouth of the Pearl — are very much part of the PRD. Morphodynamic responses to the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge in the Pearl River estuary, China. And then there’s the 35.6km-long Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the world’s longest sea-crossing bridge-tunnel, scheduled for completion in 2016, which will cut the driving time from Hong Kong to Macau or Zhuhai down to about 30 minutes. Breast milk dioxins in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The Pearl River Delta – China’s industrial centre producing for export – comprises eleven cities: Hong Kong (Xianggang), Macao (Aomen), Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Zhongshan, Dongguan, Zhaoqing, Huizhou and Jiangmen. Sign up and get the best of your city in our newsletter, as often as you like. The Pearl River itself, extending southward from Guangzhou, receives the Dong River and opens into its triangular estuary that has Macau (west) and Hong Kong (east) at its mouth. “Many of these new immigrants are easily recruited by the pro-establishment camp, hence diluting the majority of Hongkongers who support democracy and universal suffrage,” says Yik Luk-fung, member of the Hong Kong Autonomy Movement. It is a phenomenon of our time – and one, perhaps, which is most incredibly exhibited right here on our doorstep, right across the border in the Pearl River Delta. “If we are strong enough in our own cultural immunity, why can’t we digest what the Mainlanders bring us and make them a part of us? “Our economy cannot survive if we break off from China either. A mere 40 miles from Hong Kong by ferry, Macau shares the shores of the Pearl River delta but seems half-a-world away. Indeed, despite anti-Mainland protestations and calls for an unlikely return to our colonial rulers, there is an air of inevitability about Hong Kong slowly integrating with the Pearl River Delta – and that’s without even considering the elephant in the room: what happens in 2047? Rising 240 stories above Hong Kong, the building features a spherical glass observation deck at the top — that's where the name The Pearl comes from. A s the bridge under construction stretches 55 kilometres to link Hong Kong with Macao, it crosses the waters of the Pearl River Delta (PRD), home to the largest urban area in the world. Microplastic abundance was significantly higher on the west coast than on the east coast, indicating that the Pearl River, which is west of Hong Kong, may be a potential source of plastic debris. Trumbull is currently completing a Master of Science in Environmental Management degree at the University of Hong Kong. In the history of links between people from the Pearl River Delta with the countries of South-East Asia and the Pacific, the role played by Hong Kong cannot be ignored. The mean microplastic abundance for Hong Kong was 5595 items/m 2. Imagine what will happen to our stock market if all this capital was to vanish. Among the three groups of microplastic debris, expanded polystyrene (EPS) represented 92%, fragments represented 5%, and pellets represented 3%. The governments of Hong Kong and Guangdong Province in China will introduce emission caps for Hong Kong power plants, and tighten emission controls at major pollution sources in the Pearl River Delta (PRD). Megacity 2020: The Pearl River Delta’s Astonishing Growth. Geography. The results showed that the concentrations of antibiotics were mainly below the limit of quantification (LOQ) in the marine water of Victoria Harbour. According to statistics from the Census and Statistics department, Hong Kong is already home to more than 760,000 Mainlanders, who have arrived since July 1, 1997, on the one-way permit scheme – about 10 percent of the city’s population. And indeed, some, like renowned poet Liu Wai-tong, see the road of influence flowing the other way: rather than being influenced, he suggests that Hongkongers will be the ones influencing. And the ease and convenience of travel has naturally followed (perhaps, it has also been a driver), with measures such as the Octopus-Lingnan Pass – a card similar to the HK-specific Octopus card, but allowing Hong Kong travellers to conveniently ‘beep’ all the way from the SAR to 16 cities around the Pearl River Delta region. They also agreed to study the feasibility of advancing the implementation of more stringent vehicle emission standards in Mainland cities, and stepping up regular inspection of in-use vehicles. (d) Impacts on utilities “Many of us are descendants of Mainlanders who escaped to Hong Kong during China’s political turmoil during the Great Famine and Cultural Revolution. In a little more than 30 years, it has becoming the heart of the thriving Chinese economy, embodying – for better or worse – the Mainland’s emergence as a global power – the factories, the incredible pace and scale of development, the sheer number of people – and accounting for nearly one-tenth of the entire country’s economy. The rise of the PRDSince the Open Door Policy was implemented in 1978, the centres of the Pearl River Delta have seen astonishing rises in population, from mere rural villages to sprawling, urban centres. This is, without doubt, quite a divisive issue. As developing metropolises expand magnificently in both size and population, their perimeters blur, merging into one another, giving rise to endlessly interconnected chains of urban zones which have simply been dubbed ‘megacities’. It is the only English language book discussing Hong Kong's integration and role within the mainland PRD region. Environmental and economic questions are one thing. “A city always improves by absorbing talents from different places. USA Source SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, Vol 367, N° 1, 2006, pages 96-111, 40 réf. The Business Guide to South China & The Pearl River Delta is a book written by Chris Devonshire-Ellis and is now in its fourth edition. Scenes from across the border in November 1979 prior to becoming a SEZ in May 1980. Today, more than half of all the people on the planet are urban dwellers, leading some to claim that this is the ‘century of cities’. Hong Kong environmental group urges authorities across Pearl River Delta to expand protected marine habitats to save Chinese white dolphins Panjiva uses over 30 international data sources to help you find qualified vendors of Hong Kong pearl river. “Such an integration in space and economics will eventually ascend to the integration of administrative and political systems.”. PEARL RIVER - Chine, USA, Hong Kong. In the late 1970s, the fertile river delta to the north of Hong Kong’s territory was primarily agricultural land. Hong Kong’s free and open society has allowed many Mainland immigrants to thrive and flourish in our city,” he says. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Acheter, vendre, commercer et échanger tout objet de collection facilement avec la communauté de collectionneurs de Colnect. This number is higher than international averages, indicating that Hong Kong is a hotspot of marine plastic pollution. Operated Vessels. The government has repeatedly stated that the development plan is not designed to merge Hong Kong with Shenzhen and only aims to resolve our city’s housing problem. Hedley AJ(1), Wong TW, Hui LL, Malisch R, Nelson EA. Measured from the farthest reaches of the Xi River, the 2,400-kilometer (1,500 mi)-long Pearl Rive… Now there are only about 60 small patches remaining in Hong Kong – the largest is at Mai Po, at the head … And in coming years, these already extravagant figures are only going to rise… sharply. Even with the rapid emergence of the Mainland over the last 30 years, Hong Kong remains the financial stronghold of China. The Pearl River Delta is made up of cities located along the Pearl River estuary, where it flows into the South China Sea. This is no small feat, considering that the entire region has a geographical size larger than Denmark or Switzerland and a wide, muddy river to traverse in the middle. In addition to local sources, the Pearl River northwest of Hong Kong may be a potential source of the city’s plastic pollution. There are no previous reports from South China on chemically determined polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), … It’s fitting to call it a megalopolis.”, “This integration and development of Pearl River Delta is of a national strategic level,” says Ma Xiangming, chief planner at the Guangdong Urban and Rural Planning and Design Institute. Li, M.; Li, W.; Xie, M., and Xu, T., 2021. While some see a certain fear that a significant Mainland population would alter the essence of Hong Kong, others see the city’s special and unique history as holding it in good stead. Ammirate il famoso skyline di Hong Kong da Victoria Peak; crociera lungo il Pearl River a Guangzhou e impara a cucinare piatti tradizionali cinesi con un corso di cucina. Fullerton. The flat lands of the delta are criss-crossed by a network of tributaries and distributaries of the Pearl River. The alternative, we imagine, may well be tantamount to death. Hedley AJ(1), Wong TW, Hui LL, Malisch R, Nelson EA. Over the last decade, the ties between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta have developed drastically, perhaps best demonstrated by the tremendous growth in cross-border traffic. Large plastic (>5 mm) and microplastic (0.315–5 mm) debris were collected from 25 beaches along the Hong Kong coastline. Hong Kong diplomats visit China’s Greater Bay Area as Pearl River Delta seeks new image The trip, organised and financed by the Chinese government, came at a time when the Pearl River … But perhaps the bigger concern for Hongkongers, reflected in a poll last year where more than 51 percent of respondents suggested there should be a tapering to the number of Chinese tourists allowed into the city, is the impact an influx of Mainlanders may have on the city. The five airports in the Greater PRD – includ-ing Hong Kong’s Chek Lap Kok airport, which is built on reclaimed land – are vulnerable to severe disruption caused by storms and flooding. The rural northeast territories Areas like these will soon make way for new towns, just a stone's throw away from the border, “Consider, for instance, the Liantang Boundary Control Point, which connects the new towns with an expressway that links up the eastern part of the Pearl River Delta,” says Chan kim-ching, an urban planner and a member of the Anti-forced Integration Group. Now there are only about 60 small patches remaining in Hong Kong – the largest is at Mai Po, at the head of Deep Bay (also known as Shenzhen Bay). In fact, I am an immigrant from the Mainland myself.”. Instead, he is calling for the Hong Kong government to take back the power to vet, approve and issue one-way permits. Breast milk dioxins in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta. The Pearl River separates Cuiheng village from Shenzhen and Hong Kong in the east, while the green wooded Wugui Mountain sits in the west. “We are right next to the world’s second largest economy and are disproportionately outsized. Answer 11 of 11: Is a trip via the ferry from the Skypier at Hong Kong airport a realistic venture for a 30 hour layover? Microplastic abundance was significantly higher on the west coast than on the east coast, indicating that the Pearl River, which is west of Hong Kong, may be a … are concentrated in this field; it is a rather attractive region for the purchasing and procurement offices of transnational companies. The Pearl River Delta (or PRD) is in Guangdong province, China.It is a bustling region with massive manufacturing and trade. The Pearl River, also known by its Chinese name Zhujiang (Chu Kiang) and formerly often known as the Canton River, is an extensive river system in southern China. Hong Kong is an administrative region within the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong Province, China. Indeed, one of them is Hong Kong – and our involvement has already begun. The mean abundance of microplastic debris was higher than international averages. In 2008, the Chinese government unleashed a plan to merge the Pearl River Delta’s nine cities – consisting of Shenzhen, Dongguan and Huizhou in the east, Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Jiangmen in the west, and Guangzhou, Foshan and Zhaoqing in the centre – into a single megalopolis. However, since then, it has seen some of the most rapid urban expansion in human history. Last year, in an interview with Oriental Daily, Leung suggested that some 28sq km of the restricted border area adjacent to Shenzhen (an area roughly the size of Macau) may become a special zone where Mainlanders could enter without a visa or permit. Perché all'arrivo ad Hong Kong non occorre fare le procedure di immmigrazione. Dr Porter has been working with local conservation groups, including WWF Hong Kong, to study the dolphins in the Pearl River Delta. Panjiva uses over 30 international data sources to help you find qualified vendors of Hong Kong pearl river. If not, Hong Kong will decline and be marginalised as Guangzhou and Shenzhen strive to overtake us.”, Dr Fang Zhou, assistant chief research officer at the One Country Two Systems Research Institute, is slightly more optimistic. Humpback Dolphins in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: Status, Threats and Conservation Challenges. ‎In the first episode of Through the Rabbit Hole we'll be talking about the Pearl River Delta, also known as China's Greater Bay Area, which is home to cities like Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Macao. According to more optimistic opinions, the integration of the Pearl River Delta is suitable to strengthen trust, hostile approach to it is not in the interests of Hong Kong or Macau. Lorsque vous prenez le ferry entre l’aéroport international de Hong Kong et le delta de la rivière des Perles, vous pourrez prendre une correspondance très facilement à l’aéroport avec SkyPier, Le lien ouvre une fenêtre opérée par des parties externes et peut ne pas appliquer les mêmes politiques d’accessibilité que Cathay Pacific. However, they are administratively and politically quite different. For instance, consider our financial market. I… It’s a question which may become more and more pressing in the coming years, as the Pearl River Delta megacity slowly becomes reality. Microplastic abundance was significantly higher on the west coast than on the east coast, indicating that the Pearl River, which is west of Hong Kong, may be a potential source of plastic debris. Try another? “There are certain problems in Hong Kong that cannot be solved unless we integrate with the Pearl River Delta and formulate policies on a regional basis,” says City University’s Professor Yep. The Pearl River Delta is slowly growing into a single colossal megapolis (view our PRD map here). CA. However, the plan involves more than just infrastructure. Known as the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge for the very places it connects, it sets a record itself as the second longest of its kind in the world. Quando viaggi in traghetto fra l’aeroporto internazionale di Hong Kong e il Pearl River Delta, puoi usufruire dei comodi collegamenti dello SkyPier (il link si apre in una nuova finestra gestita da terze parti, pertanto potrebbe non essere conforme alle stesse politiche di accessibilità del sito web di Cathay Pacific). Entirely rain-fed, these rivers are subject to extreme seasonal fluctuations, and they collect so much water that,… Kowloon Peninsula, part of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, southeastern China. Li, M.; Li, W.; Xie, M., and Xu, T., 2021. Microplastic abundance was significantly higher on the west coast than on the east coast, indicating that the Pearl River, which is west of Hong Kong, may be a potential source of plastic debris. Hong Kong at the Pearl River Estuary: A hotspot of microplastic pollution. Pearl River Express Actions , l ... - Express shuttle service ex Yantian/Hong Kong to Los Angeles - Direct Service in Fuqing / Xiamen - Direct Service from the Gangdong Province origins via Nansha . ( Victor ) ; MEAD ( Robert-W ) Collectivité auteur California State University administrative region within the PRD. Three percent of the world has always been an immigrant from the Mainland ”! ( d ) impacts on utilities Collegamenti in traghetto e SkyPier Lam worked with a government subsidy at any the. World 's tallest and most advanced building, located in Hong Kong coastline as... To take back the power to vet, approve and issue one-way permits as intern! 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