Use the Blending Calculator to calculate the optimal mix of different source products to make the specified product. There are three options to select from in performing the calculations as follows:
OPTION 2: Weighted Value Calculation
Prioritize sources by entering a value in the “Weighted Value” column. This calculation will optimize the product mix using the minimum of highest value sources. Weighted values only apply to this option and will be ignore in all other calculation methods.
The higher the weighting the less of the product the Blender will use to meet the specification. Using 0 - 10 values will show how the blender can minimize the use of products that should be conserved.
OPTION 3: Manual Override
Override the calculated solution by entering values in the percent column. The sum of the percentages entered must equal 100%. As adjustments are made the results are displayed in the table and graph.
Normalize: Will take the entered values and adjust them so that the ratio is maintained and they total 100.
Saving the blend will be used in the finished product pile after the blender, and the monitors can be used to show the specification and rate being met.